Original Interior Design Trend Blog – Fall 2022
As we are moving into the Fall season and the Expo Muebles starting tomorrow. It got us thinking about the trends and tendencias in interior design that will be coming in the next couple of years.
There are going to be several directions that people will feel drawn to design and furnish their homes. Some of our major predictions are Colorful Pastels with the continuations of Clay Pink (blog link)but also seeing Dusty Violet and Lavender becoming the predominate cool trend of 2023. Other color tendencias with be Monochromatic Textural White on White with brass accents. I also believe this trend with expand into monochromatic White and Sandy Brown. Other color stories we should expect are rich colors somewhat based on Retro Curated and Collected looking back toward Mid Century Modern fused with key influences of the 60s – 80s and a mix of Brights, Neons, and Darks that fast forward towards the future and the Metaverse that result in very Instagramable and made for TikTok.
UPDATE: Another trend that we are loving at Forrest Glover Design is currently loving is The Camaleonda Sofa (link). However, it seems like the rest of the world is loving it too. This trendy sofa might be too hot to not fizzle out quickly.
Other Trends we are expecting and will expand on later include:
Color of the Year: Dusty Violet & Lavender
Although, Forrest has never been a huge fan of violet, the energy has shifted, and the whole team is excited about the fresh new take on the color Dusty Violet. Read our blog post on how to use this amazing color to decorate for Thanksgiving 2022. We got so pumped about the color and it’s potential we are creating a limit run of Dusty Violet tablecloths just in time for Thanksgiving and the holidays that you can pre-order here (link).

Learn more about interior design color trends at the blog links below.
Casa Liquen – Chácala, Nayarit – Clay Pink, Rattan, and Arches Interior Design Trends (link)
Retro Mix Master: Mid Century fused with 1960s – 80s

Read more about this interior design trend for 2023 and 2024 here
Tonal and Textural White on White

The Return of Dark Wooden Furniture
Check our our blog post on Designer Sean Anderson (link) that features many of the upcoming interior design trends for 2023 and 2024 including the home decor trend for the return of Dark Wood Furniture.

Reimagined Wicker and Rattan
Read about our current custom pillows and valance project with AND Design in San Francisco (link). When I was writing the blog (in progress) and work order for the project I was reminded of the circular nature of interior design inspiration and trends. Don’t worry, it mainly focuses on the cane and curved furniture interior design trend.

Full blog post link: Interior Design Trend – Wicker, Rattan, and Cane Furniture
Arches and Curves

Well Traveled: Mexican and Latin American Influenced
Check out our 2021 blog post – LINK: ¿WWFD? Limited edition 2021 – What would Frida do?

Cocooned: Personal Places and Spaces
Pattern Play

Enjoy. We hope everyone strives to be a Trendsetter instead of endlessly chasing trends.
We really do believe the last stage before tacky is trendy, and out goal is to keep or corporate, designer, and homeowner clients from making costly mistakes. Mistakes that are ultimately harmful to our natural environment.
Trends without being trendy. Welcome to the Zeitgeist!
Read our original very basic Interior Design Trends 2023 – 2023 blog post here.