

DesignToolbox is a collection of tools designed to accelerate and simplify basic modeling tasks of architectural, urban or interior scenes tools: Standard transformations by reference, like the ones usually found in more precise work oriented applications; Fast measurements, speed up positioning of reference coordinates and workplanes. It also includes some other useful tools for quickly apply and manipulate uvw maps, for paneling simple surfaces; plus some others useful time saver tools.

Anh 47


  • Transform
  • Precise CAD-like transforms.
  • Measure
  • Inquiry dimensions, areas…
  • Construct
  • Spatial reference objects.
  • Replicate
  • Match properties, replace nodes with a few clicks.
  • Clone
  • Interactive arrays, Make patterns & distribute elements.
  • Modify
  • Merge and detach geometry with a single click. Stamp features over a mesh…
  • Organize & manage
  • Work faster with layers and manage node visibility. Isolate objects in local space; Nested isolation…
  • Preparing the scene
  • Review cameras and different output sizes faster, Set up batch render views with fewer clicks. Replace all the scene materials with a few clicks
  • Utilities
  • Apply edit and randomize UVW modifiers on multiple objects at the same time, detail furniture cabinets, and more useful utilities.


Mục lục
Mục nhập này đã được đăng trong Autodesk 3DS Max, Autodesk 3DS Max Plugins, BIM Tools & Programs, Document Library, Marchinde Edu, Marchinde MORE và được gắn thẻ , , .
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